Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 4: Lehi, Utah

Yes, I'm a little off track. :) I'm staying with Fignations, an internet knitting buddy, just south of Salt Lake.

The driving today was VERY challenging. Wensleydale is big and square... basically she acts like a sail when it comes to the 50+mph wind gusts that plagued us all day. So, two hands on the wheel at all times. And a death grip for most of that. Plus, between the winds and the insane grades through NE, WY, and UT, she's topping out at 35-40 on the bad uphills. Which means I can't drive after dark (black cab, small taillights, not so easy for a trucker to see as he's steaming up a hill). Which means three short days to get home instead of 2 longer ones. Thus stopping here... which means I get to meet a longtime friend for the first time. :)

No new songs to report. I did write a story, but that's not for public consumption.

Julie: I DID think of you - but too late - I felt it would be rude to announce I was in town and you had to put me up in an hour. :)

Song from yesterday:

Oh Scilla You're so light,
You’re so light that it ain’t right.
Hey Scilla (Clap clap)
Cinchilla (Clap clap)
Oh Scilla You're so light,
You’re so light that it ain’t right.
Hey Scilla (Clap clap)
Cinchilla (Clap clap)

Oh Scilla, bad bad kitty
Can’t you understand?
We want you safe inside,
Not out stalking thru the land
Oh Scilla, bad bad kitty
Can’t you understand?
It’s cats like you Scilla...


Nae said...

I sang it to the chinch. Scilla approves. ;)

Unknown said...

Nah, spur of the moment works for great (and greatly missed) friends! :) Love you!