I also have a bizzare facial rash that so far is a complete mystery to medical science. No new soaps, detergents, foods, etc. It's been a week now. The raised red blotches are all over my face and ears, but nowhere else. At first it was just ugly, but after two days of feeling like a bad sunburn (radiating heat, tight & itchy, tender to the touch) with pitting edema, we've resorted to steroids to kill the inflammation. This pic was taken 5 hours after the first dose, and the blotches are much reduced already. BTW, for you science-y types, the anti-SM, VDLR, ESR, WBC, ASA, RF and ANA levels were normal, so no RA or Lupus.
Great news: Wallace has been adopted by a nice (medical!) couple in Texas. Good thing he's got A/C!