Sunday, March 11, 2007

Wild & Wooly Road Trip

Emma found a lady advertising cheap fleeces, and off we went. The farm was scary - every single tree lining the long driveway had a different sign on it. There was literally a broken-down trailer next to the house. I told her "If you hear banjos, RUN!"

The wool was unbelievably filthy, matted, and sunburnt. Most of the bags just needed to be thrown out. We did find one lovely silver grey mix. Dirty, of course, but not beyond saving. We bought the best of the bag, about 2.5lbs for $7, which we will send out to be processed.

We also saw some baby goats frolicking, and new lambs stared at us. They were so cute! I particularly wanted to steal this playful brown kid with speckled ears. Emma's writeup and photos beat me to the blogging punch, so go take a peek.

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